
Monster Hunter Stories 2: It Don't Need a Story Bro



The gang meets up online and tries to decipher what Pat is talking about with these Trials or Trails games that got announced for the West...or whatever. Besides that, Josh and Stoy really can't play Dungeons and Dragons Dark Alliance, but Josh and Pat love Monster Hunter Stories 2, for different reasons. Pat also plays Scarlet Nexus and Mario Golf: PornHub Edition, and Stoy plays the Lake demo, and jumps into a bit of Mech Warrior 5.  Due to A LOT of time constraints in the month of July, our upload schedule will be REAL spotty, if anything gets posted at all. Nothing's wrong, it's a big vacation month for Stoy. We'll see you on our normal release schedule in August!  Thanks for listening! We are part of the Boss Rush Podcast Network of content creators, be sure to follow them on Twitter and their website. And check out the Discord, where we hang out! Consider looking at our Patreon page and consider donating to our podcast! The funds will go directly into the podcast to fund equipment upgrades and bonus con