Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Led By The Spirit - The Wind Of God (Part 2)



Today I want to talk to you about desire's gate. We are discussing being led by the Spirit, and looking specifically at the Spirit of God as the wind of God. Exodus 14:21 (NKJV) says, “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided.” God implants His desire in our life, so that we want to do what He wants us to do. He fills us up to the full so that as we run our race, regardless of the resistance, tough days, obstacles, we enjoy what we are doing. “What can I do for you, God?” He says, "What do you want to do for me?" Certainly you have wrong desires, well you always have, but now you have some right ones, so that serving God is anything but a chore. I love what I do. Romans 8 says that the Spirit nature desires to do certain things, this is burning in you, it's your desire now. There is a proble