Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Led By The Spirit - The Wind Of God (Part 1)



Today I want to talk to you about being led by the Spirit - the wind of God. The Holy Spirit in the Bible is often described as wind. Like wind, the Spirit is invisible, and yet we can feel it. Wind opens the sails and powers the boat to distant lands, and we want our ships to go where the wind of God sends. So many Christians desire to hear God's voice, "Just tell me where to go God! I'll go." Or we say, "Just tell me what I'm supposed to be doing and I will do it." Can I surprise you? This is not how the Spirit leads. The Spirit leads in a much deeper and more effective way than this. In fact, the Spirit is leading you right now, you were led here today. And so here's the problem, so many Christians are feeling completely unled, like they’re the only ones not being led, searching for direction, destiny, “God just tell me what to do and I'll do it.” I just want to hear your voice, turn here, turn there, marry him, what do I do? Ove