
PlanningxChange 91: Ian Nairn - Contemplating Loss (featuring Matt Roberts)



In PlanningxChange episode 91 we interview Matt Roberts about Ian Nairn, an architectural and planning critic in the UK during the 1950s - 1970s. Matt is an architectural historian and a member of the podcast team that produces About Buildings and Cities.  Details are at The About Buildings and Cities podcast produced a three part series on Ian Nairn. This is highly recommended as a lively and insightful review of the broad career of Ian Nairn, his times and his impact on the public imagination. Nairn came to prominence with a special edition of the Architectural Review called ‘Outrage’ published in 1955. In this he coined the term ’Subtopia’ for areas around cities that had been failed by urban planning and lost their sense of place. ‘Outrage’ was followed soon afterwards by ‘Counter-Attack’. Nairn also contributed to various books on British cities and architecture (although not a trained architect) such as ‘The Buildings of England’.  Nairn also contributed to the evolu