Drinking At Bible Study

56: Love Wins Ch. 3/Satan, You Old Rascal



This week Brandi has to get ready for a trip to San Francisco so they're skipping all the pleasantries and just jumping into the topic for a shorter episode... which turns out to be as long as a regular episode. So in today's episode Brandi and Joe discuss traveling and hats before announcing a brand new private Facebook group opening up. Find it at Facebook.com/groups/BibleStudyAfterHours. Listen to the episode to hear what you have to do to join. After that, of course, Brandi and Joe get into a discussion about Love Wins chapter 3 entitled Hell.     Intro 00:00 Social Media 06:31 Lets Get Into The Meat 11:20 Prayer Requests 1:23:25 Bonus Track 1:27:20 Outro Song: The Parting Glass by The Pogues