Jordan Rimmer Sermons

The Nightmare Before New Years '18



In this sermon, I look at the struggles we have experiencing Christmas because we are so busy and consumed by DOING Christmas. I then use Galatians 4 to talk about the importance of the holiday. I conclude with the poem below.   The Nightmare Before New Years by Jordan Rimmer Twas the Nightmare before New Years, and all through the land Everyone was stirring, as fast as they can. The decorations were hung, but were they enough? Paying off all this credit card debt will be tuff. The children were tucked in and dreaming upstairs Of expensive toys that they’ll break and they’ll lose and won’t share. Mom and I were exhausted, and fell fast asleep For this was a pace that we just could not keep. It was snowing outside and starting to pile In the morning I would have to shovel a while. Man, was the winter always rough on my back. And we are travelling this week and didn’t yet pack. The kids would wake up before the crack of dawn To open their toys, and all day they will yawn. Then we’d dash to see family th