Clarity On Fire

Dear Krachel: Is it weird that I haven’t found my passion yet?



Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.   This month we answered questions from:   Concerned Daughter, who has a very supportive mom—so supportive, in fact, that she tells her kids she doesn’t need a fulfilling career, even though she’s not content with the job she has. Making her kids happy is enough! Concerned Daughter isn’t convinced … she thinks her mom might not be owning her full desires. Should she push her mom to pursue what she really deserves? Maggie, who started a new job about a year ago and received a lot of validation right off the bat—praise from her boss, an “employee of the month award,” and her work getting shown off in meetings. Now, the parade of positive feedback has all but died out, and she’s worried her boss isn’t pleased with her work. Should she be concerned that the external validation