Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee

The Journey to Corporate Training Success - Real World Case Study with Keith Stoneman



The world of Learning and Development has changed over the decades, but many companies have a difficult time deviating from the comfortable path of "the way they've always done it."  As instructional designers and corporate training professionals we make it our responsibility to improve all forms of learning within the organizations we serve.  But that is no easy task.  It's often a very long journey that requires a strategy, patience, and more than a few skills we're never taught in our graduate school ID programs.We are very lucky to have Keith Stoneman join us on IDIODC to discuss his journey.  He'll share his successes and failures and give us all an opportunity to reflect on the things that might be holding us back in our own personal journey.Keith has identified 5 key principles to success:Have an executive sponsorUse updates to educate key leaders and stakeholders - a little at a time.Demonstrate you're using everything you have before asking for more.Good SME content + good L&D practice = great re