Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Psalm 19. Keep praying saints: Our LORD, my rock and my redeemer



AudioLink Rev. Terry Finnern, pastor of Mt. Calvary & St. Paul’s Lutheran Churches in Miltona, MN joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study and pray Psalm 19. David reflects on everything: God’s creation, God’s law, our sinfulness, God’s salvation, and God’s rock solid redemption in Christ.  By His perfect, sure, right, true, and clean Word, we are able to see His glory through creation keeping grounded in His Creating work.  When we know all the truth revealed to us about God in Christ, we confess like David, “Who can discern his errors?”  Yet, the LORD is gracious to forgive our great transgressions and keep our mouth and heart acceptable in His sight.  “Lord God, my rock and my redeemer, keep us grounded to rightly understand creation and our sin through the lens of Your grace in Christ.  Keep us in the narrow way that we may enjoy all Your gifts and be sustained while we live and when we die.  In Your name, Amen”