

This week I'm talking to dancer, actress, model, interior designer, and podcast host Hannah Faust. Hannah bursts with confidence in a way I admire, and I loved this conversation with her. We talk about creating spaces and decorating, organization, becoming an organized person, recovery, becoming better at being yourself, confidence, dating during the pandemic, and more. In the intro, I share a few suggestions of items and content I've been into lately.Show notes:- Spiraling Podcast- Creative Underdogs- Hannah's Website- Hannah's Podcast- Sister Corita Kent's rules for art and Katie's post about them- John Cage- Joe Dispenza meditations Favorites- Goli apple cider vinegar gummies- The White Album by Joan Didion (Book)- RMS highlighter- When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron (Book)- On Being Episode with Devendra Banhart If you liked this episode try out:Episode 141 with Lynn Chen of The Actors Diet on love & balance with food, acting, blogging, & a bunch more! new to *let it out* --> start with these l