

There wasn’t an episode last week because I was and am listening more than talking. We were muted to amplify voices of BIPOC last week. And I am committed to following, amplifying and supporting Black voices moving forward. This is our 300th episode. Which feels like a big milestone to celebrate, but also an opportunity to reflect and own how I can continue to improve and amplify the voices and work of marginalized people.Mental Health Resources for the Black community:The Loveland Therapy Fund - helps cover therapy costs for Black women and girlsThe Nina Pop Mental Health Recovery Fund and The Tony McDade Mental Health Recovery Fund from the Okra Project - emergency mutual aid fund that raises money to pay for one-time mental health therapy sessions for Black Trans people with licensed Black therapistsBEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health) - Online Black-centered support and healingFat Women of Color Collective - private online community led by Ivy Felicia created to support fat women of color in healing t