The Wellness Wonderland Radio: | Self-Help | Health | Creativity | Spirituality | Yoga | Fitness | ...

277 | complicated transitions , BODIES are weird be gentle, & creative projects are healthy, more with That's Pretty Woo and The Wisdom Within hosts



This is a special edition episode, out of the usual format but you'll hear: -a conversation about releasing the HOW- letting go. -BODY talk - from healing from injuries, to gentle exercise, unsolicited body advice, and how we're all handling being more in our bodies and less in our heads. taking a beat before walking into a get into your body Every year I run a workshop for podcasters called Let [a podcast] Out. There's a contest element where I choose 1 episode to air on this podcast feed. This year going through the the entires I struggled a lot to choose. They were incredible and diverse, from a fiction podcast from an English professor to a poem podcast. What you're about to hear is a variety show of sorts, you'll hear me interview the hosts of two of the contest winners, clips from their episodes, and a clip from my anxiety podcast Spiraling with Serena. I included the clip with Serena in this because the last time I ran this workshop I made a new podcast along side the group. Last few da