The Wellness Wonderland Radio: | Self-Help | Health | Creativity | Spirituality | Yoga | Fitness | ...

268 | artist + entrepreneur Whitney Bell on overcoming trauma, spoon theory, creativity, and being present in your body



Notes from the Show: -Whitney Bell's website | instagram | twitter -Stories of Women, Whitney's storytelling platform -This Woman Turned Her Collection of Unsolicited Dick Pics into an Art Show via Vice -Spoon Theory -Kidd Bell, Whitney's clothing line that partners with nonprofit organizations -Dolly Parton's memoir, Dolly: My Life and Other Unfinished Business -Anita Hill's memoir, Speaking Truth to Power -Roxane Gay's Hunger -Absinthe show in Las Vegas -Tasha from Emerge Likes & Learns: -Follow the charm! When you're overwhelmed and have too much to do, just follow what feels charming to you in the moment. -Let's Play podcast episode with me and I also love this episode with Josh Radnor -Lean into resting and the uncontrollable nature of life is my learn for the week. All original music composed by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs Album art by Zoie Harman Cool Things to Check-Out: -Listen to my episode on Get A Helmet podcast! -Read my latest piece for The Fullest "Pivot: Showing Up For Therapy" -Pr