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228 | Hospitality, Cancer, Bodies, the Restaurant Industry, & Healing with Laura Wagstaff



I was unsure what to expect when I met Laura, I was connected to her by pervious podcast guest Camilla Ruth Marcus. I knew she was lovely via email, Camilla spoke highly of her, and that she had a thriving career in the NYC hospitality industry but that was about it. Days before our interview she sent me a keynote she'd given a few months prior. I read the 12 pages on a long train train and found myself fully weeping by the time I arrived at my stop.  When I spoke to her in her cozy West Village apartment a few days later it was clear immediately she'd worked in hospitality her entire career. She is a host through and through, I felt so cozy in her space chatting with her about our fascinating story for hours. I loved learning about the hospitality industry, how she navigated a having rare cancer in the prime of her career, her experience with the medical industry, and how she used her cancer as a learning opportunity to discovering food as medicine, shifting her perspective on death, intuition, and listening