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203 | Cheryl Miller Houser on Personal Growth, Taking Risks, Film Making, Entrepreneurship + more



I've met so many fascinating women since moving to New York including today's guest Cheryl Miller Houser.  Soon after I arrived we were seated next to each other at a dinner party hosted by pervious podcast guest Phoebe LaPine and bonded over the city I'd just moved from: Detroit. While Cheryl is basically a life-long New Yorker, she had just come off a project were she made a feature film in Detroit. Cheryl's film Generation Start-up (available on Netflix) follows six young fellows starting business in Detroit. I not only loved her film but I loved Cheryl and was fascinated to learn more about her, her career path and any wisdom I got learn from her. In our conversion  discussed mentoring relationships, entrepreneurship and millennials, why we should do things outside our comfort zone, personal growth and challenging ourselves, the importance of startups/entrepreneurs for economic growth, an inside look at indie film making, parenting as children become adults, working in film production, advice for cold cal