The Wellness Wonderland Radio: | Self-Help | Health | Creativity | Spirituality | Yoga | Fitness | ...

201 | Anula Maiberg of Sixth Street Pilates on the potato method, impostor syndrome, rethinking 'body diversity' and more!



A few years ago I realized my body is something called hypermobile meaning my joints easily move beyond the normal range expected. While I loved teaching and practicing yoga, I wanted to try something for more strengthening. My best friend at the time was training to become a pilates instructor giving me the ideal opportunity to become her Guinea pig and explore pilates. Turns out I loved it. When I moved to NYC I hoped I'd find a studio I loved. Luckily, I stumbled upon Six Street Pilates and discovered the very cool owner Anula. From her style, to her instagram, to her philosophy and teaching I knew I wanted to have her on the podcast, attend her all her classes, and become her friend. We struggled to find a time to sit down to record this between her travel schedule and mine this fall so eventually we settled on recording this late one evening. We're both pretty sleepy and loopy by the end which makes the episode weird and special. We discuss community, being 'familiar strangers,' in-person connections, th