The Wellness Wonderland Radio: | Self-Help | Health | Creativity | Spirituality | Yoga | Fitness | ...

200 | Sahara Rose Ketabi on Ayurveda, Writing, Purpose and Dharma, Manifestation, Meeting Deepak Chopra + more



Two-hundred episodes of this podcast seems like a huge milestone I'm pretty proud of. We've discussed so much on this podcast including sex and using vaginal jade eggs, our periods, birth control and it's impacts on the body.  We've discussed relationships including everything from dating, to friendship to  parenting, to  motherhood to divorce. We've talked about wellness all over the spectrum including, aging, beauty, fitness,  meditation, yoga as well as cooking. We've covered body image at length including intuitive eating  and emotional eating. We've discussed mental wellness including the importance of community. We've also spoken about creativity with actors, actresses, writers, directors, musicians, and comedians. This episode covers a little bit of all of those topics. This week's conversation with guest Sahara Rose is a long one, yet I never wanted it to end (we even had to take a bathroom break in the middle). We take a deep dive intro her wellness speciality: Ayurveda (she literally wrote the Idiot