The Wellness Wonderland Radio: | Self-Help | Health | Creativity | Spirituality | Yoga | Fitness | ...

117 | Katie WONDERS No. 008 - April/May Gratitudes ft. Love Alexi, Drake, Beth Stelling, Pete Holmes, Gabby Bernstein lessons, Spiralized Zucchini and more!



For full show notes with links to everything I mentioned please click here. Before we get to the show notes I have 4 special announcements:: Check out my book, Let It Out and/or leave a review for it on Amazon. We've got an awesome give-away package for a lucky winner and reviewer.  After leaving a review be sure to enter the contest here. Join the Facebook Group for the podcast here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes please! My mentor Gabby Bernstein has an awesome VIDEO SERIES for a limited time that will help clear the blocks to your confidence and provide direction you can act on right now. It's 100% free and totally worth checking out. The links and notes for everything I mentioned in this episode are below. If you have any questions, things you want to share with me or just want to say hi the best way to do that is to join the extended conversation in the Facebook Group.  Enjoy! LET IT OUT LINKS & EVENTS:: -MY BOOK