

So it is a two for the price of one podcast. I am confidant you'll love this episode and listening to Christy and I get so real with food and our tumultuous relationships with it. Christy's podcast is so rad because it shows how connected we all are to food regardless of our history with it. She talks to everyone from comedians, to actors, to chefs about their relationship to food and weird food habits. It has showed me that I'm not alone when it comes to my weirdness around food and that most people have at least some funky food tendencies. What's coolest about Christy is that she's got her had in everything when it comes to food. She is not only a huge foodie with a background as a food journalist, she is also a an expert on the health and nutrition side of things as well since she is a registered dietitian and nutritionist specializing in eating disorders. I think she is delightful and I'm so thrilled to share this two part special episode with you today. Jump back to listen to us on part-one on Food Psyc