

Who better to kick off season 3 of WWRadio than today's radically authentic guest. She brings out my own raw insights on our relationship with food and body image. Isabel Foxen Duke is only our second repeat guest and an emotional freedom from food extraordinaire and coach, Isabel stopped by Wonderland on episode 009 to shed light on real techniques on how to release toxic relationships to food and tell her personal food journey that led her to the work she does with women today. Most of us have become lint rollers picking up some pretty nasty thought patterns around food, whether we realize it or not. I challenge you to own it first and then listen to today's episode with an open mind about changing that. We discuss this in our first Podcast together but the first step to freedom from emotional attachment to food and becoming what Ellyn Satter calls a 'normal eater' is to get honest about where you are. In this conversation we'll help you figure out exactly where that is. Listen to the whole thing, it's rea