Australian Transformers Weekly

Australian Transformers Weekly(ish) Episode 253, April 1st 2022



Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.   This is episode 253 We are recording live on Friday April 1st, 2022.   In this episode we will be discussing…. New figures on the way! The bot bots trailer is here, who cares what else there is. yay!! All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this! OPENING CREDITS WELCOME Hosts introduction Jason Brad   Notable things that happened this week? Month? YEAR! -Natural disasters across the country. Our thoughts go out to everyone involved.    -conventions and events are starting to happen again. Collector con in Sydney and comixpo in Melbourne a couple of the most recent events.    00:14:24 New Releases: Local Releases: Core 86 Spike Overseas Releases: Legacy Core Legacy Voyager Legacy Deluxe Legacy Leader Buzzworthy Silverstreak MP Nightbird MP Crosscut   News: Legacy is here, what do we think? (Jason’s Legacy deluxes & Bulkhead pics)