Dr. Caroline Leaf Podcast

Episode #61: Why the Current Mental Health System is Failing to Help People



Mental Health issues are not on the rise- rather it is the mismanagement of mental health that is increasing.  In this episode I discuss why the current mental health system is failing to help people, and what we can do about this. I also discuss psychotropic medication, and how fo find healing if you struggle with mental ill-health. This is the second podcast in my Perfect You series.  **This is informative and NOT individual medical advice. **DRUG WITHDRAWAL should ALWAYS be done under the supervision of a qualified professional. These drugs alter your brain chemistry, and withdrawal can be a difficult process. There are thousands of patient-run sites on withdrawal from psychoactive substances on the Internet, and many books available in stores and online. We suggest you begin looking at the resources page on Mad in America. Dr. Peter Breggin also has a brilliant book on withdrawal: https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/ **For general information on the current s