Brooke Snow Podcast

Floors and Ceilings



Have you ever had a big goal in your life that you wanted to reach, but gave up before you got there? Have you ever tried to start a new healthy habit, but been unable to sustain it long term? Have you ever wanted to be consistent in something you knew would change your life but discovered that life is always changing and doing something everyday can get a little complicated when your schedule changes, or you're traveling, or you're sick, or something happens that throws things off? Maybe you were doing well for a time and then the holidays, or vacation time, or sick time, throws things out of whack and it's hard to get back on track? If this has ever happened to you, and you've wondered what to do, this episode will feel like a secret of the universe has just been revealed. We'll talk about my favorite life hack that has kept me consistent in all my good habits no matter what happens in my life. And the best part is, it's so easy that every single person can do it. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by