Brooke Snow Podcast

Ep. 16 Announcing My New Free Course: How The Law of Attraction Fits In The Gospel



What would it be like if you had power to create the exact life you wanted? If there was a way to transform struggle and thrive in a life of ease and joy would you be interested? Perhaps you have heard about the Law of Attraction before. It's a New Age Spirituality teaching (or Law) that whatever you focus on, you create more of. Are you focusing on the negative in life? You'll get more negative. Are you focusing on the positive? You'll receive more positive. Yet, as simple as it sounds to just "think happy thoughts", we humans are a bit more complex. It's one thing to say it, and quite another to feel it and believe it on the deepest level. This level of deep belief is where the true "attraction" occurs. Perhaps, like me, you have come across this teaching and held both curiosity and skepticism in the same hand. Is this really true? And perhaps most importantly, how does this fit in with my Gospel beliefs? Can I really have anything I want if I just believe it strongly enough? I have studied the Law of Att