Asia Rising

Public event: Deepening Australia-Japan Relations in a Contested Region



As regional powers in the Indo-Pacific, Australia and Japan have much to gain from increased bilateral cooperation and increased interaction through ‘minilaterals’ such as the Quad. Strategic forces are pushing the states closer together, and Australia relationship with Japan has never been closer. This is demonstrated by the ‘Special Strategic Partnership’ between the states and the recent signing of an historic Reciprocal Access Agreement. How can the two countries deepen their relationship in a time of strategic contestation? How can they better use diplomatic, trade and security policy tools to deal with new challenges? And how might cultural and people-to-people links be further developed? Opening remarks by Mr Shimada Junji, Consul-General of Japan in Melbourne. Panel: Snr Associate Professor Stephen Nagy (Department of Politics and International Studies, International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan) Professor Nick Bisley (Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe Uni