Clarity On Fire

Achieving a lifelong dream with Terece Hahn



Full disclosure: Ever since my client Terece first told me she was planning to write a book (a lifelong dream of hers), I knew I’d eventually want to bring her back on the podcast to talk about it.    I’ve had the joy of seeing Terece’s massive transformation over the last few years from a self-doubting people-pleaser (see my original interview with her on ditching perfectionism) to someone who’s confident in who she is and is committed to expressing herself authentically.    Because of that, I knew her book-writing journey would be profound.    Now that she’s completed her book and is in the final stages of editing and promoting it (make sure to check out her pre-sale campaign!), she’s back to share just how intense, vulnerable, emotional, and ultimately satisfying it’s been to turn her vision into a reality.   Listen in to hear Terece and I talk about…   How she’d ignored her dream for so long that she actually forgot about it … and what she did to bring it back to life. The fears that have come up along t