Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

A Conversation with Bernadette Doyle | S03E07



The power of showing up, rather than serving in sacrifice, cannot be overstated. When we commit, when we are there, even when no one else is, a superpower is released that often comes in no other way.  In this episode, I talk with Bernadette Doyle, owner and CEO of Bernadette about the superpower of showing up. Throughout our conversation, we discuss feminine leadership, thriving through the unknown, the disservice of sacrifice in business, and much more. I hope you receive a fresh perspective on the magic of committing to, and trusting, yourself. “There is nothing, in my experience, that trumps that energy of just showing up, committed. I’m committed to serve. I’m here and I’m showing up, even if… you know, you do a Facebook live and you can see you might have no one on with you. But you just show up and you just give it your all anyway. And I think that is the powerpower.” – Bernadette Doyle What You’ll Learn  Thriving during the unknown Relaxing into tough conversations Embracing the feminine mo