Retro Gaming Revelry

Episode 261: Retro Gaming Revelry - Ep. 261 - Super Mario RPG part 2



(WARNING: The first 2 minutes of this episode have a terrible audio click that is pretty annoying to listen to! Skip to the 2 minute mark if you'd prefer to skip the terrible audio! Thanks! ~Earl) This episode has Jurek and Earl continuing to play Super Mario RPG on the Super Nintendo! The guys are a little bit farther into the game than last time, and have just as much fun! They also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday February 11, 2022. As you can see, we are WAY behind on releasing episodes, considering it's now April! Many apologies for the delay, Revelers! Big thanks to those that have stuck with us! Also, we are terribly sorry for the poor audio in this episode. We have since figured out the issue, but weren't aware of it while we were recording. Thanks for listening, Revelers!