School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#175 Q&A Sneaky Teens, Forbidden Apps, Pornography, Masturbation, Device Usage, Teen Sex and More! Oh My.



We received some great questions about parenting that we’re addressing today. We love it receiving questions so if you have one please don’t hesitate to ask us. You can leave a voice message for us on our podcast page, or you can email us The first question is about teen device usage and sneaky behavior. We are having an issue with our son's cell phone usage…We limit it and have always made him turn in his cellphone at night to promote good, healthy habits.  I just discovered that he has been hiding an old cracked cell phone that he has been using at night.  He also has apps such as TikTok and Snapchat that we do not allow.  I know that the phones and apps are made to be addicting.  I just don't know how to approach this issue.  I will be turning off the wifi night now but how do you deal with the sneaking second phones and apps?  It indicates to me that he may be addicted to these apps and his phone.  I am curious if you have encountered