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190: Energetics, Alignment & the Quantum In Business with Kassi Underwood



Kassi Underwood is a spiritual teacher, mother, author, and host of the Big Energy podcast. She holds a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School and served as the first-ever meditation advisor at the Harvard Business School. Featured in The New York Times, Women’s Health, Marie Claire, and New York Magazine, among others, Kassi has given talks and led meditation experiences everywhere from women’s prisons to 30 Rock Studios. She also teaches virtual courses, including her mastermind community, Money Metaphysics for Maverick Womxn. So… I loved this conversation so much. Not only is Kassi’s journey super impressive, but she is so much fun to hang out with. She is unapologetically herself, funny, and practices what she preaches - as you’ll soon hear. And I’m so excited for you to listen in. In this episode, we chat about what led her to a 12-step program when she was a college student, and why it was her big jumping off point into spiritual growth, her choice to be in the spiritual closet for many years,