Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Flip the Switch



Today I want to talk to you about the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 13:33 says the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into three measures of dough. If you move to a new nation you will learn about living in that new nation, its rules and its privileges. You'll need to know the speed limit, paying taxes, freedoms, how it all works. There may be a different form of communication. There's a lot of talk about the Kingdom of Heaven, I mean, a major theme in Christ's teachings. Here He says it's like yeast? He warns us to beware the yeast of the Pharisees. In Galatians Paul refers to yeast as when we start to add work to our blessing. Well, you are righteous by faith in Christ, and you also gotta... Jesus here is talking about the Kingdom being like yeast. Are you familiar with the whole yeast thing? The last supper is representation of the Passover, where there was bread with no yeast and a sacrificed lamb. Then the