Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Profile of a Disciple



Today I want to talk to you about the profile of a disciple. Are you a disciple or a consumer? Consumerism is a culture trait of today's society. “How was my experience?” Consumers evaluate, review, they do not participate. They are focused on self and self’s needs. God did not call us to be consumers; He called us to be disciples. We are not consumers of Christianity, we are disciples of Christ. Church is not a retail outlet, a local restaurant chain, but it is the family of God, not a place you go, but a home you return to. Disciples are soldiers who are given authority, ability, assignment to advance the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ first quest upon hitting the ministry was praying all night and recruiting disciples. His first order of business was to train and empower disciples. He spoke about the qualifications and requirements, to deny self, to carry your cross, to be willing to be rejected, persecuted, even by family for the sake o