Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

A Secret Place



Today I want to talk to you about the secret place. Psalm 91, the protection chapter, says "He that dwells in the secret place..." And then it follows with a slew of protections. The idea of a secret place for protection - in the 50's we had missile fallout shelters, today the FBI has safe houses for witnesses, or the president goes to an undisclosed location. Psychologists today talk about the noise of society, that we are over-stimulated, over-busy, and that people need a quiet place. We are too stressed out, too worried, far too in a rush. People have different places they go in worry, fear, where do you go? God has a secret place for you, and it is the perfect place to go when you feel unsettled. The secret place... you can dwell there. And here's the problem, it says “he that dwells.” Being a Christian does not mean you have to dwell here. There are many who do not dwell. Make your abode so that you can abide in the shadow. Do