School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#176 How Frustration, Guilt, & Discontent Guide You to Your Best Self -- Don't Assuage the Pain or 'Accept What Is'. This is Your Soul Calling!



Have you ever had that inner feeling of discontent, frustration, guilt, or dissatisfaction? (I know I have.) Have you ever thought — what’s the point of setting goals? I’ll just be disappointed. Or have you ever tried to achieve something — losing weight, earning more money, or improving your marriage — only to finally give up and accept yourself and your circumstances? In this episode we’re going to dive into why many people feel and think this way — and how ‘accepting things as they are’ can be a good short-term strategy, but it’s a bad long-term plan. Why? Because you end up living in incongruence and you’ll make yourself miserable -- now and in the future. There is an inner knowing in your soul — a blueprint of your potential — and as long as you live below what you’re capable of you’ll always feel that something is missing (which you’ll try to assuage or excuse away with eating, scrolling, or Netflix).  But the only way to find lasting happiness is to accept the call to your highest self and to reac