Security Voices

Designing Category Smashing Businesses with Oliver Friedrichs (Phantom, Pangea)



For the second episode in a row, we’ve caught a seasoned entrepreneur at that perfect moment when they’ve started a new company but still have time for a conversation before their new adventure kicks into high gear. Oliver Friedrichs, founder of several security companies including Immunenet and Phantom, joins us to talk product strategy as he embarks on a new journey to disrupt the security industry once again with his new venture Pangea.The most critical, first question for any young company is “what are we making”? And equally important is the follow-on question of what category does the offering fit into or how should people think about it? Is it a better version of something that exists? A new type of something that’s meaningfully different? Or is it an entirely new category of product they’ve never seen before?Oliver and Dave discuss examples of each type of strategy from their own experience and the industry in general. The “better mousetrap” approach is covered with examples from antivirus and more re