Ceb Talent Angle With Scott Engler

Using Failure As A Pathway to Success With Suneel Gupta



On this episode of the Gartner Talent Angle, author and keynote speaker, Suneel Gupta explains why even some of the best ideas fail to take root. He shares how the lessons he gleaned from interviews with some of the most successful individuals in the world fueled his latest book, Backable: The Surprising Truth Behind What Makes People Take a Chance On You. Suneel shares his own experience of learning from failure, and he explains why before you can convince others, you must first convince yourself. He argues that the greatest enemy to innovation is exhaustion, and leaders must take care of their energy as much as they take care of their time and their talent.   Suneel Gupta writes and speaks about the changing world of work, and how we succeed both externally and internally. He is the bestselling author of  "Backable", which is rooted in Suneel’s journey from the "Face of Failure" for the New York Times to the "New Face of Innovation" for the New York Stock Exchange. Suneel is the founding CEO of RISE, which