21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP300 Part 1 What has Changed and What Will Change in Remote Work?



This is the first part of the celebratory episode 300!  Some of our guests return to the show to share how they see the world of remote work changing, how their own ways of working have changed and what they'd like this podcast to cover over the next 100 episodes (or is it  next 300!). We'll  hear from: Maya Middelmiss Dr Richard MacKinnon Mark Kilby  Tim Burgess Simon Wilson Bree Cagiatti Eva Rimbau-Gilabert Theresa Sigilito Hollema Ross Winter Pinar Akkaya Anish Hindocha and your host, Pilar Orti  This part consists of:  00.00 Pilar introduces the 3 parts, talks about the guests and gives lots of thanks 09.30 The guests start answering the question: What do you think is going to stay the same in remote work most knowledge workers for the next three years and what do you think it’s going to change? 13.25 A less rosie view of what's going on. 19.00 What skills, mindset, behaviours will we need? 28.00 Pilar's rant about the need for understanding asynchronous communication 30.40 Diversity in virutal wor