Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

A Conversation with Emily Sandberg | S03E10



In our businesses, we all need someone who can help with the books. But we also need someone who can help us think forward. Someone who can help us forecast, not retract, and change our thoughts and habits around money. For me, that is my CFO and the owner of Nice Job, Inc., Emily Sandberg. I wanted to have Emily on an episode to share some of her wisdom and magic, and she delivered. We discussed security, being properly connected to our money, leadership, protecting structures and roles, and much more. As a money genius, Emily gave several powerful statements revolving around how we think about money. She reminded all of us that money does not define us, and neither our businesses nor ourselves are fragile. “One of the problems I see is women who use money to define who they are. They want the money to tell them they’re good enough, they’re smart enough, they’re capable enough. And so they think if they have enough money, then they’ll know that for sure. But when you're a leader, when you take leadership ov