Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

I John 1:1-4. You may know that you have eternal life: In Christ, our joy is complete.



Rev. Kevin Parviz, pastor of Congregation Chai v’Shalom in St. Louis, MO joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study I John 1:1-4. John preaches to the saints who were struggling in faith. This epistle is for us as we struggle in faith. From the beginning, Christ was the word of life that would be the one to unite us with the Triune God. We can knit-pick many details, but it comes down to the Truth of Christ’s life giving blood for you. This fellowship with the LORD extends to the joy we have with one another as the body of Christ. He has brought us together in joy for our joy is complete in Christ. “Lord Jesus Christ, as You are the vine and we are the branches, keep us connected to You and fill us with the joy that only comes through Your joy of saving us. Send Your Holy Spirit that others may believe in Your forgiveness and that our joy may be complete. In Your name, Amen”