Happiness Hacks

Episode 135: The Myth Of The "Right Way"



Today, we’re talking about doing things the “Right Way” and—surprise!—how there’s no such thing.  Unsurprisingly, many of my clients live for “doing it right.”  For them, there is nothing more amazing as hearing: Yes, you’re doing it right. In fact, one of the most popular phrases I hear from clients is: I did okay, right? They’re always looking for affirmation that they did it right.  So why is the need to do things the “Right Way” such a common experience of people with High Functioning Anxiety?  Doing it right, following the rules, and being a good girl keeps us from criticism. And growing up—either in our family of origin or through school and church—we learned that following the rules earns us LOTS of praise.  Not only that, but it protects us from the anxiety of not knowing what to do next. It keeps us safe—at least that’s what we convince ourselves of.  What rules have you created for yourself? Let’s explore this together in this week’s episode and find out what we can do about it.  Listen to the full