Happiness Hacks

Episode 121: The 3 Steps of A.S.K.: Kindly Pulling Back



No matter how hard we try to keep up the veneer of perfection, every now and then we make a mistake.  Mistakes happen and when they do, we can be absolutely horrible to ourselves–telling ourselves things like: I'm such a failure, I deserve to be fired, I am a terrible parent.  Sometimes we can even rationalize our way back to knowing that it was a small mistake that truly doesn't matter in the long run.  But then there are the times when we really mess up. When we legitimately make a mistake in a way that really matters. We go against our values, we drop the ball, we let down our spouse.  What happens when we really mess up and can't just rationalize our way out of it? When our inner voice isn't making a mountain out of a molehill? When our inner voice is taking an actual mountain and adding a shame blizzard of epic proportions? How do we ever get past this? What's next?  This episode is about the big mistakes. It's about the concrete steps you can take to move through those situ