Happiness Hacks

Episode 116: How Mr. Rogers Can Teach You To Slow Down And Be Present



Have you ever sat in a movie theater and been blown away by a single quote? One little line just floats into your brain and holds on for dear life? This happened to me last Thanksgiving watching the new movie about Mr. Rogers, It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, and I have been thinking about it ever since. In the scene, Lloyd Vogel, a cynical journalist who has been assigned to do a profile on Mr. Rogers, is calling to set up their first meeting. He is shocked to have Fred Rogers answer the phone. Not his assistant, not his handler, Mr. Rogers himself. Lloyd, not wanting to waste the time of an important person, suggests they set another time to talk. Surely Mr. Rogers has more important things to do.  And here is what blew me away: In response to this suggestion, Mr. Rogers says, “What do you think is the most important thing in the world for me right now? To speak on the phone to Lloyd Vogel.”   When I heard this line I audibly gasped. The quote got me thinking: How often do I miss conversations or i