Happiness Hacks

Episode 112: The Voices In Your Head–The Biggest Fan



There is a voice in your head.  She is the voice of kindness, generosity, and wisdom and I call her the Biggest Fan. Of the 3 characters that are at the core of the Happier Approach, she is the best of all worlds.  She holds the goals of your Monger (to be safe and secure) without shaming and belittling you. She provides the support and encouragement of your BFF (“you are awesome”) without giving you a free pass to do whatever you want. Your Biggest Fan always has your back, acknowledges your feelings, can see options, is wise about the struggle, and uses your values as guiding principles.  Your Biggest Fan is the how.  She is the one who will help you achieve your goals and be happier.  All this month we have been talking about the voices that carry on in your head. If you haven’t already, go back and take a listen: In Episode 110 we talked about how the Monger, that mean voice that shames and belittles you, telling you that you’re not good enough. In Episode 111 we talked about how the BFF has an amazing t