Happiness Hacks

Episode 111: The Voices In Your Head–The BFF



This Month we are talking about the 3 characters that chat at us throughout the day and are at the core of The Happier Approach.  Last week we talked about the Monger–the mean voice tells us we’re not good enough. Today, we are going to talk about the voice we most often use to counter our Monger: the BFF Our BFF enables us to rebel against the voice of our Monger. When we get tired of our Monger criticizing us, we bring in our BFF for a little self-compassion. Our BFF is the one who always has our back. She is the type of BFF who is always willing to risk getting into trouble and is always there to defend us. But she is not about holding our feet to the fire or keeping us accountable.  She is very good at finding us justification and someone else to blame. She is all about helping us feel special. She is kind and wants us to feel good about ourselves. In her mind, responsibility, accountability, and restraint do not apply.  Listening to our BFF can be risky. Our BFF loves false self-compassion and uses it as