Happiness Hacks

Episode 110: The Voices In Your Head–The Monger



There is a voice in your head. It is a horrible voice that tells you that you are a slow, stupid loser who will never succeed. It tells you that everyone but you has it figured out and that at any moment you are going to be found out for the fraud that you are. That voice in your head? That is the voice of the Monger. Everyone has a Monger, but those of us with High Functioning Anxiety have an exceptionally loud and nasty Monger. Many of us aren't even aware of how much the Monger is talking to us. We know that we are feeling anxious or stressed, but are unaware that it is coming from an internal voice–a voice of belittling, name-calling, and just plain nastiness.  This voice can viciously chatter at us all day, every day, and we just push through. There are other voices in your head–the BFF and the Biggest Fan–but of the 3 characters that are at the core of The Happier Approach, the Monger is the loudest of them all.  That is why we are starting this month series about the voices in our head by talking