Happiness Hacks

Episode 106: The Benefits Of High Functioning Anxiety Are Destroying You



To your family, friends, and coworkers, you’re the one who always has it together.  You look out for all the details, attend all the meetings, make sure the bills get paid and plan the next vacation to Disney. On the inside, you’re wondering if you're the only one who cares or is even capable of getting things done.  If you don't do this, no one else will.  Everything you have, you have because you were willing to be the one who went the extra mile.  Except... Living and thinking this way isn't sustainable. This level of control and anxiety is negatively affecting your relationships and your health, both mentally and physically. And it doesn't have to be this way.  Yes, we are the ones taking care of business and yes on the outside, those of us with High Functioning Anxiety appear calm, focused, and on top of it.  But this isn’t what’s going on in the inside. Inside we are stressed, angry, and resentful that no one else cares as much as we do. The challenge is that we are hooked. The benef