Dear Daughters

Creative Hospitality | Kristin Schell | DD 180



Welcome to The JOY Series on the Dear Daughters Podcast! I’m so glad you’re here. I believe that gathering at the table over a simple meal is one of the best ways to love people and invite them to a closer relationship with God. So listen in and enjoy … right now we’re talking about the secrets to joy at the table and I’ve invited my favorite table experts on the show. This week my favorite table expert is Kristin Schell. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Tony, and one of their four children—the others have left the nest. She loves loving her neighbors, and she wrote a book and travels all over to encourage others to love their neighbors, too. Kristin is known for her Turquoise Table, which started a movement of Turquoise Tables and Front Yard People (ordinary people who create community right where they live) across the country. I’ll let Kristin tell you more about that herself. Kristin believes that our deepest need is to belong, our deepest desires to feel needed and included. And an invitation