Solar Energy Show

How many solar panels needed to electrify my home



Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Stop burning fossil fuels and electrify everything. That’s the path that humanity must follow to avoid a global warming calamity. Two technological changes have made it both practical and economical to transition to an (almost) all electric economy. First, heat pumps, EVs and induction cooking are now practical replacements for furnaces, hot water heaters, gasoline-powered cars and stoves. Second, inexpensive solar and wind electricity mean that these appliances and vehicles are cheaper to operate than their fossil-fueled ancestors. Of course electric appliances are cleaner, and in many cases provide more comfort, convenience and safety. I added the word “almost” since long distance transportation (trucks, rail, airplanes) and industrial process (steel, cement) heat are still more practical and cheaper when powered by fossil fuels. The clean solutions to these transportation and industrial processes are still a few years away. Almost without exception, all