Where Brains Meet Beauty

WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ | Fill Up Your Cup — Living a Meaningful Life with Shannon Goldberg



Leading a balanced life looks a little different for everyone, but for Shannon Goldberg, Founder and CEO of Izzy Zero Waste Beauty, balance looks like making sure your cup has enough water for you to drink from. An empty cup is just as useless as working a job you hate. She’s living out her passions, while also working hard at creating more sustainable options for beauty brands — all while have fun along the way!My book, ‘Facing the Seduction of Success’, is scheduled to launch on 6/7/22! The road towards success can be challenging.. and intoxicating. Between these pages you’ll find helpful, uplifting and inspiring anecdotes from some of the beauty industry’s leading professionals. If you’re as excited as I am, make sure to pre-order it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Facing-Seduction-Success-Inspiring-Business/dp/1957651105/For more information visit: https://www.seductionofsuccessbook.com/