Marriage University With Tina Haisman

How to Change Your Marriage Without Changing Your Husband



Have you ever felt like you’d be happier if your husband would just … help more around the house, or help more with the kids, or drink less alcohol, or share your faith, or be more loving to you, or stick up for you to his family, or spend less money … or fill in your own blank. You’re not alone. We all have things about our husbands that we would like to change. But we know now, as experienced wives, that we can’t change other people. So, I’d like to ask you. What if you could live happily in your marriage without getting so upset about those things? Can you imagine how good that would feel? In today’s podcast, I am going to teach you how. Join me! If you'd like more inspiration, I’ve created a freebie for you today. It’s my guide called 3 Simple Things You Can Do To Speak To Your Man’s Heart Today! Download it for free! And join us in The Proverbs 31 By Design Community on Facebook!